Performance Evaluation of Trino and Hive on MR3 using the TPC-DS Benchmark

Jan 7, 2024

Read in 5 minutes


In our previous article, we evaluate the performance of Trino 418 and Hive on MR3 1.7 using the TPC-DS Benchmark with a scale factor of 10TB.

In this article, we evaluate the performance of newer versions of the two systems:

  1. Trino 435 (released on December 13, 2023)
  2. Hive 3.1.3 on MR3 1.9 (released on January 7, 2024)

By conducting the experiment in the same cluster used in the previous evaluation, we can also assess the improvements in the newer versions. Both Trino and Hive on MR3 use Java 17.

Experiment Setup


For the experiment, we use a cluster consisting of 1 master and 12 worker nodes with the following properties:

In total, the amount of memory of worker nodes is 12 * 256GB = 3072GB. The cluster runs HDP (Hortonworks Data Platform) 3.1.4 and uses HDFS replication factor of 3.

TPC-DS benchmark

We use a variant of the TPC-DS benchmark introduced in the previous article which replaces an existing LIMIT clause with a new SELECT clause so that different results from the same query translate to different numbers of rows. The reader can find the set of modified TPC-DS queries in the GitHub repository.

The scale factor for the TPC-DS benchmark is 10TB.

We generate datasets in ORC with Snappy compression.


For Trino, we use a JVM option -Xmx196G and choose the following configuration after performance tuning:


For Hive on MR3, we use the default configuration in the MR3 distribution except that we use a JVM option -Xmx86G for every worker and create two workers on each node.


We sequentially submit 99 queries from the TPC-DS benchmark. We report the total running time, the geometric mean of running times, and the running time of each individual query.

In order to check the correctness, we report the number of rows from each query. If the result contains a single row, we report the sum of all numerical values in it.

Raw data of the experiment results

For the reader's perusal, we attach the table containing the raw data of the experiment results. Here is a link to [Google Docs].


#1. Query completion

Hive on MR3 successfully completes all the queries, whereas Trino still fails to complete query 72 with an error message Query exceeded per-node memory limit of 120GB. This is a typical case in which Trino (or any MPP system without fault tolerance) fails to complete a query because of lack of memory for holding intermediate data.

#2. Correctness

The two systems agree on the result except that Trino still returns no rows (wrong answers) on query 23 after running for 1783 seconds.

#3. Total running time

In terms of the total running time, Hive on MR3 is clearly faster than Trino.

The total running time for Hive on MR3 includes about 120 seconds that is spent solely inside Beeline while fetching results from HiveServer2. For example, Beeline spends about 8 seconds to fetch 664,742 rows from HiveServer2 after executing query 11. Thus Hive on MR3 completes all the queries in approximately 5620 seconds.

#4. Response time

In terms of the geometric mean of running times, Trino responds 23 percent faster than Hive on MR3.



Hive on MR3 1.9 has achieved a substantial improvement in performance over Hive on MR3 1.7. The shorter running time and the faster response time can be attributed to three key factors:


Trino 435 also runs significantly faster than the earlier version Trino 418. Two challenges persist, however: a scalability problem (query 72) and a correctness bug (query 23). The latter is particularly concerning because incorrect query results could lead to misguided business decisions. We believe that this correctness bug was introduced after PrestoSQL was rebranded as Trino, as Presto 317 returns correct results for query 23.

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